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31-07-2022 10:52
Add mor emaps, admin to server like Alien invasion, mesa map is too overplayed, max 20, 30 min, then no mesa map for 2,3 rounds

31-07-2022 10:51
Mesa map is TOO OVERPLAYED, stop playing MESA MAP

13-10-2021 22:19
Hi everyone, how are you people? I hope that we will play Crysis again soon Smile

08-02-2020 15:52
Hi and welcome back Albert. Yeah, Some people are still here from time to time. In this very moment not many. But will be at lest few soon.

08-02-2020 00:26
Greetings! Anyone still here?

09-03-2018 02:29
My Tutorial CZ/SK How to connect server (: https://www.youtub

07-03-2018 22:43
Of course. This the point of our network. Anybody can create own server even with custom maps + anybody will be able to join it. Check http://CryMP.Net - HELP Page.

07-03-2018 21:04
is it a possibility to create your own server?

07-03-2018 21:03
nice tnx

07-03-2018 19:15
Hi. Yes. It was on-line for years - and will be back soon - but you shouldn't work so good for all. You can try now Shore on Air Battle - no crazy commands!

07-03-2018 18:44
Hello I wanted to ask you or you could not create a normal server Map, MESA BEACH because these servers where these awkward commands can not be played is not true crysis.

02-03-2018 21:27
Crysis1 the best

08-01-2018 22:34

08-01-2018 16:37

08-12-2017 14:09
yap , it was fine on win7 64 bit , i see this issue only on win8.1 ,and thanks for taking care of crysis you and your teammates

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Birthday of CryMP.Net

Exactly 12 months ago - 16th of July 2014 - as I remember around 19:00 CET - GameSpy was finally shut down. 6 weeks later than we expected, so many of us hoped they will change their mind - but no - it really happened.

The same day our new network was born !

Thanks to Zi's net scripting making the connection was possible.
I remember us that evening on Skype, checking it right after GameSpy's death
- and guess what - it worked few minutes later Smile

At first it was only beta version but during next months we managed to make it the way it is now.
Lot of details to fix and make more comfortable but it's done and working fine.

It exactly was 1 year ago - so we're celebrating FIRST BIRTHDAY of CryMP.Net today.
Network is in a good shape. It's evolving every month. New settings, ideas and functions.

Thanks to the community of real fans which we have it will last for many years.

All wee need is to play on weekends with friends.
Besides - checking events from time to time since new things are showing up would be good idea Smile

Please watch at 720p 60 FPS

happy birth day to the cool community !
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